

At the end of the day, Google is first and foremost, a company driven by advertisements, not necessarily awesome Android sales. Considering Google has one heck of a track record when it comes to how advertisements are  subtly stuffed down our throats viewed by the masses, it should come as no surprise that Google is out to revolutionize how we consume ads thanks to its work behind the scenes of implementing haptic feedback technology. The USPTO went ahead and published a patent application “Providing information through tactile feedback”, which at its absolute core deals with haptic feedback on touchscreen devices (smartphones and tablets).

Google recognizes this technology is still very much in its infancy, so it’s utilizing its all-star team of researchers and developers to dig deeper and recognize the true potential of haptic feedback, by quietly working on a “Tactile Interface Engine“, which allows Google to ensure its ads are more effective thanks to the implementation of feedback. The concept alone is fascinating, but it’s how the technology works that will be a real eye-opener for the masses. Essentially Google would hypothetically separate an advertisement displayed on a webpage with a border by having a distinct tactile feel, which is completely noticeable as the finger approaches the advertisement. In the case of multiple ads, the ad with the “most relevance” would give the most feedback as your finger hovers around it, while the other ads would give less feedback— though each ad could be moved around to a different place on the screen if needed.

It’s too early to tell what sort of impact this implementation will have for the Android brand, but it probably wouldn’t be a surprise if it were to end up being revolutionary. Of course it would be nice to see some improved haptic feedback for our displays (and specifically our keyboards), but any cool innovation from Google would be a welcome one nonetheless. We’ll be sure to keep an eye out for you all on whether or not this intriguing development can eventually become a reality.

source: UnwiredView

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