Dark Souls

Dark Souls, like Demon’s Souls before it, is a game that is perhaps best known for its ruthless difficulty. In a sea of games where making it through to the end is all but assured for one reason or another, the Souls titles are almost completely devoid of any handholding. From the limited tutorial to the countless number of times players will die, it’s clear from the outset that players are in for something unlike the norm. The game cleverly does things to mitigate potential frustration, though by no means are you likely to find anyone who would consider the experience an easy one. Dark Souls director Hidetaka Miyazaki has been pondering the possibility of adding an additional difficulty level, and, as you’d expect, fans are having quite the reaction to that.

“I personally want my games to be described as satisfying rather than difficult,” Miyazaki told GameCentral. “As a matter of fact, I am aiming at giving players sense of accomplishment in the use of difficulty. Having said that, however, it is true that Dark Souls is rather difficult and a number of people may hesitate to play. This fact is really sad to me and I am thinking about whether I should prepare another difficulty that everyone can complete or carefully send all gamers the messages behind our difficult games.”

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