SimCity Social

SimCity Social is a frustrating game. I want to love it, and in many ways I do. I’ve spent the better part of the day playing it and I would absolutely love to be making my way through more quests right this second, only I’m unable to do so as this is a Facebook game through and through. That means you’re very much limited in terms of how much you can do and how you can proceed. It’s not a unique situation, but unlike most games that suffer from these same sorts of issues, I still feel compelled to continue playing.

If you’ve played Zynga’s CityVille, you’ll already have a feel for the basic gameplay. You build up a city with homes, businesses, and so on, and you’ll routinely check in to collect the resources generated at factories, businesses, farms, et al. Every action requires energy, which regenerates over time and puts a limit on how much you can do any one time without relying on either support from friends or real-world money. (More on that in a bit.)

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