Wii U Miiverse

Ahead of its usual E3 press conference on Tuesday, Nintendo hosted another of its Nintendo Direct events this evening. It showcased the Wii U, including the new look of the tablet controller (officially known as the Wii U GamePad), the tablet’s NFC capability and its ability to function as an infrared TV remote, the Wii U Pro Controller (a controller which looks a great deal like the Xbox 360’s, just with strangely positioned face buttons), and, most notably, some of its online functionality. The company has never been known for being particularly cutting-edge when it comes to the online space, but what little it showed today did intrigue.

When the Wii U is first turned on, what will be seen on the TV screen is one aspect of what was called the Miiverse. This screen shows icons for a number of games and applications, each surrounded by Miis — your own, others from your Wii U, friends’, and other players’ from around the world. This allows you to see what others have been playing and saying about those games. There will also be a way of sharing screenshots and messages with other players, which can either be typed or drawn by hand on the GamePad’s touchscreen. While it would be nice if video sharing were also possible, the ability to take screenshots of games is a welcome addition as it’s something lacking from the current generation of consoles.

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