

Your Retro Reference Guide to Community’s “Digital Estate Planning”

A complete list of the old-school gaming nods made by The Greendale Seven.

By: Bob Mackey and Marty Sliva
May 18, 2012

Community creator Dan Harmon isn’t a stranger to video games; he’s been public about his love for the medium, so it wasn’t surprising to see the first episode of last night’s season finale hat trick devote itself completely to old-school gaming references. What would have been a throwaway gag in any other sitcom took over most of “Digital Estate Planning’s” 22 minutes, as Jeff, Britta, Pierce, Shirley, Abed, Annie, and Troy found themselves participating in a multiplayer platformer in an attempt to wrest the Hawthorne Wipes fortune from the grasp of a bastard child. This episode overflowed with visual gags devoted to the blocky roots of gaming culture, most of which flew by at a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it pace; but, thankfully, your friends at 1UP are here to comb over this chunk of comedy gold to dig out the purest pieces of retro gaming nostalgia. Read on, and be sure to let us know if any references slipped past our intricate knowledge of gaming’s past.

“Digital Estate Planning’s” title sequence doesn’t seem to point to any specific title; it’s more of a pastiche of retro games that gave the player a brief preview of all the playable characters and their awesome abilities. Though Gilbert’s fake game offers a resolution and color depth the NES could only dream of, the opening credits feel a lot like the intro to the NES version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

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