Publisher: Superflat Games

Developer: Jasper Byrne

Price: $9.99

Where to buy it: Steam



Clever like Silent Hill to twist your mind, and smart as Resident Evil. Lone Survivor is a widely inspired game. While survival horror in todays gaming dating all the way back to such games as Hugos house of horror to even Blood. Games Varied in how they scared you, or at least make you jump out of your skin. At first glance your eyes are charmed by the rustic nature of the graphics. “What no 1080P graphics?!” Nope. What you are greeted with is a gentle to the eyes 32bit game. Without a second thought I will strongly say. WOW. The word can express no less or no more of top tier craftsmen ship.

4 Years of work is proven in this title without a shadow of a doubt. You are simply called a Lone Survivor. With a bad memory, a dark damp unknown apartment building as your scene. Allot of inspiration of Twin Peaks, and Silent hill backdrop wise is apparent with the style.

Controls are simple to understand and use. Much like a action adventure game, in the true of senses. You are given Ammo and guns to fire at foes. As mentioned to Resident Evil. You are limited to ammo, so use your clips wisely. Beside a horror them to this game, I would fairly say some drama is involved too. The whole game presents the story in bits and pieces, where things do not appear as they should seem. As such, left me guessing at least for a few hours. Past the apartment, things get very interesting and dark. Once we completed this a few times. Level and monster design are fleshy. Also very gritty in the tern of evil locations is concerned. Pixel artwork to me is a never forgotten keystone to gaming. And should never be forgotten. The puzzles in this game at first confuse the crap out of even me. Which is good, with trial and error I was able to discover the solution to most road blocks (puzzles that prevent progression.)

Closing Thoughts:

As a Survival Horror game, it flows nicely, at points scaring the living crap out of you. Intelligently, it makes you consider options with in some scenarios. As they mention this 4 year project showed a prime example, dedication and taking your time shows why a tortoise will almost always win a race. While past I felt the game was a little easy in certain areas (which I wont spoil). The game in total lasted me 6 hours, on my first play through. For the Price, that is quite impressive to even me. So in closing, really no flaws. The game is tight like my visit to jail for a field trip (that is pretty tight!). So I advise anyone who is a cult fan of the resident evil series and Silent Hill , snag this beast for your PC today.




By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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