Pokemon Black and White Version 2

Following the surprising news that the latest handheld Pokémon RPGs will be a pair of DS titles known as Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2, Nintendo of America has already gone ahead and announced a loose release date for the two games: fall 2012.

In Japan the pair will be available in June, more than a year and a half after Black and White originally debuted there. Those of us in the rest of the world didn’t get our hands on B&W until last March, almost six months after it was made available to Japanese gamers. The handheld Pokémon RPGs have traditionally taken their time in making it to the U.S. — Gold and Silver were out in November 1999 in Japan but didn’t make it here until the following October, Diamond and Pearl had us waiting seven months, and Platinum was a six-month wait.

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