Let’s look at the facts here: Metal Gear Solid 3 (at least the Subsistence version) is easily one of my favorite games ever. I also love handheld games and have taken quite a shine to the 3DS over the past year. The final version of this remake happily clears up the technical flaws and issues of the janky demo, with respectable frame rates and a polished feel. And the optional Circle Pad Pro turns an awkward Peace Walker-style interface into something comfortable and fun. By all rights, the Snake Eater 3D should be a home run. So why do I find myself disappointed by it?

The problem is that, as much as I love the game and the platform, they’re just not right for each other. Just as a game as twitchy and intricate as Mega Man X has no place on iPhone, just as Game Freak is absolutely right in keeping Pokémon on portables, Snake Eater really doesn’t belong on 3DS. The system simply isn’t the proper fit.

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