This is something I’ve wanted to do for a while, but with the recent acquisition of  WAY more free time, I’ve decided to finally go through with it. Touhou Tuesday’s aim is obvious – to bring you the latest and greatest from easily the most popular part of the doujin scene in Japan. Touhou’s impact on Internet culture has been gigantic, and I love the games and especially their music. Each week I’ll be playing my favorite Touhou arrangements, and keep everyone up to date with the massive influx of new great music. Of course, you’ll also not want to miss my cohost TrueStar, as she shares her latest finds [usually completely adorable] from her expeditions into the deep abyss of Touhou culture. It’ll be, like other KNGI shows, hosted on, and you can tune in every Tuesday at 5 to 7 PM Eastern before Nerdy Junk Food. ゆっくりしていってね!

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