We would be remiss not to make some mention of Steve Kordek’s passing this week.

Mr. Kordek’s wizardry morphed pinball from a shallow diversion into a challenging and thrilling game of skill.

Steve was the first person to put two flippers at the bottom of the playfield — where they still remain to this day. He also put the flippers on strong DC power instead of AC. This allowed for more power and control.

I also believe Steve designed the first games with drop targets and multiball play.

I still cannot get over what almost sounds like divine intervention when it comes to Steve working in the pinball business.

As the New York Times put it:

“On a visit to his hometown in 1937, he was walking down a street without an umbrella when a torrential rain forced him to step into the lobby of a building he was passing. It was the Genco Company. A receptionist asked if he was looking for a job.”

Steve had never even seen a pinball machine before then. Wow that is an amazing story!

He was one of a kind and sure made the world a better place — and what better compliment is there?

Mr. Kordek will be missed. He was THE real pinball wizard.

In the immortal words of Pete Townshend:

“Following you, I climb the mountain. I get excitement at your feet.”

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