The Uncharted series is steeped in history; its protagonist claims to be a descendent of famed explored Sir Francis Drake, and each plot unfolds, Indiana Jones-like, as a piece of fantasy-laden historical fiction. The latest chapter of the series, Uncharted: Golden Abyss, revolves around the mystery of real-life Franciscan friar Marcos de Niza and the seven cities of gold he claimed to have discovered. Despite playing out like something straight from a serial adventure, the story reflects a great deal of historical research. I just wish the creators had dabbled in a little more literary history in the process, too. They might have stumbled across one of William Shakespeare’s more famous chestnuts: “To thine own self be true.”

Abyss is many things, but true to itself is not one of them. It squanders entirely too much energy reminding you that it’s a Vita game rather than simply being a great game. “Look!” it practically shouts. “A touch screen! And check it out: Rear touch! Dig that accelerometer! You’ve never seen these things in an Uncharted game before!” And it’s true: All of these elements are new to the Uncharted series. But did the Uncharted series really need them? Based on how they play out in Abyss, the answer is a resounding no. At best, they’re a mildly amusing distraction; at worst, they actually detract from the gaming experience.

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