Avenger Controller

Trying to make up for the PR disaster that happened just before the end of the year, the company behind the Avenger Controller, N-Control, has made a sizable donation to the Child’s Play charity.

N-Control was faced with a nightmare last week when an email chain between a customer named Dave and a PR/marketing rep working for the company was made public. Dave was looking to find out when his order of the PS3 Avenger Controller — a modified PS3 controller that allows disabled gamers to use the controller’s shoulder buttons — would ship. Paul Christoforo, the rep in question, was of little help, and as the email chain goes on he can be seen becoming increasingly rude and aggressive, at one point saying, “You just got told bitch.” (At other points he bragged about the connections he has, including the mayor of Boston, which shockingly turned out to be untrue.) Penny Arcade co-founder Mike Krahulik became involved after he was looped in on the emails and he, too, became Christoforo’s target — at least until Krahulik revealed to Christoforo just who he was.

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