Steam Holiday Sale

As if the Steam Holiday Sales in years past was not enough, Valve has decided to continue the trend established this summer of making Steam sales much more involved than mere sales.

Like the Steam Summer Sale, there are plenty of deals on games, including special daily deals. Today’s include Fable III ($12.49, from $49.99), Just Cause 2 ($4.99, from $19.99), Portal 2 ($7.49, from $29.99), Sam & Max (the complete series for $12.49, from $49.99), Orcs Must Die ($3.74, from $14.99) and Metro 2033 ($4.99, from $19.99). There are also deals on bundles like PopCap’s Complete Pack for $49.99 or the Super Indie Bundle (containing Cave Story+, Limbo, Revenge of the Titans, and more) for $19.99. Other individual titles are on sale as well, though there are far too many to list them all here. (Two that caught my eye: Evil Genius for $2.49 and Terraria for $4.99.)

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