The PlayStation Vita comes out December 17 in Japan (February 22 over here), and while excitement in Japan at this moment is primarily geared toward the new 3DS Monster Hunter, that’s likely to change in a hurry once Saturday rolls around. This week’s issue of Japan’s Famitsu magazine sadly features no reviews of the Vita’s extensive launch lineup (26 games in Japan!), but they did publish a new survey where they polled visitors to their website about their purchase plans.

It’s not a surprise, perhaps, that readers are a bit more interested in the Vita than Japan’s population in general. 73.3% of responders said they intend to purchase a PS Vita on the launch date, with 19.5% saying they’d either avoid the system entirely or take a wait-and-see approach. Of those, the great majority, 68.8%, are intending to purchase the 3G/Wi-Fi version of the system, although how many of those are going to be available to non-preordering gamers on Saturday is anybody’s guess.

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