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[News] James, Neil, Gary and Cane & Rinse’s Tony Atkins discuss the latest gaming headlines, including:

Shigeru Miyamoto retires. Or does he?
The Nintendo legend says he may be stepping back to train younger developers, but Nintendo is quick to assure fans that he isn’t quitting.

Amazing Spider-Man tie-in to debut at VGAs
Hurried tie-in being released alongside movie? Check. Usual Spider-Man gameplay? Check. Apathy from majority of GameBurst crew? Definitely check.

Last Guardian execs leave, fans start to worry
As senior members of the development team leave the studio, is it time for us to start worrying about Team Ico’s latest?

New Tony Hawk game hinted for VGA reveal
Skateboarding is not dead, it was on hiatus, but does anyone even care about half-pipes and grinding any more?

Epic Games “scared to death” about revealing new IP
The studio is apparently working on a brand new title that is completely unlike anything it has done before. And at Epic’s HQ, it’s brown trousers time.

Onlive rolls out to iPad, Android
The streaming service is now available for mobile platforms. We discuss how this will boost OnLive’s profile.

Immortant mutant scorpion included in pirate copies of Serious Sam 3
Pirates beware – you’ll be up against this…

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