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[News] Neil, Gary and James (remember him? Nope, neither do we) discuss the latest gaming headlines, including:

Skyrim patch and dev tools on the way
Are your dragons flying backwards? Fear not – Bethesda is working on it, but for Gary it might be a case of too little, too late.

Vita memory cards priced
And they’re pretty pricey, but will Sony’s explanation pacify Vita naysayers like Neil?

Major publishers missing from UMD Passport scheme
Don’t start chucking your PSPs and UMD library away just yet, as there’s some fairly notable absences from the discounted download service.

Dragon Age 3 gets unnecessary multiplayer modes
Because what every epic RPG needs is a Horde Mode tacked on where you can play as a Dragon. Or will this be like Mass Effect’s Galaxy at War?

Kinect 2 can lip read
Microsoft readies the next generation of its motion sensing camera, but will improved accuracy give the technology the boost it needs?

Resident Evil 6 outed by CV
Inevitable zombie blasting sequel on the way and Gary’s feeling quietly confident about this one.

South Park RPG announced
Obsidian (boooo!) are working on a new South Park game (yaaaay!). We wait with baited breath.

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