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[News] James, Gary and Neil discuss the latest gaming headlines including:

Games developers choose smartphones as most popular platform
More and more UK developers are ditching consoles for iOS and Android. We discuss the pros and cons, and whether this is the inevitable future of gaming.

BBC, Lovefilm and more come to Xbox Live
And about time too, no? Xbox Live’s already comprehensive entertainment package is about to get even better.

Playing OnLive consumes up to 3GB per hour
Bad news for those with download caps hoping to use the much talked about game streaming service, although BT owners will be pleasantly surprised.

Rage issues vex PC players
Another lesson is basic survival: never upset PC gamers. If you say your game will work, you better make sure it works.

Sony: Time not right for download-only
…says the company that released the download-only PSPgo two years ago. Still, at least Sony’s learning ahead of the ever-promising Vita

EA says Wii U still on track
James stops hyperventilating into a brown paper back. EA’s Peter Moore says that everything is going to be all right.

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