Game of Thrones RPG

Cyanide hasn’t hid the fact that it’s working on a multiplaform RPG based on George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series — it just hasn’t said much about it. That was understandable with its RTS based on the same franchise, A Game of Thrones: Genesis, in development. With that now out on PC, it’s opened up on the subject of its next project.

The Paris, France-based Cyanide obtained the rights to produce multiple games based on the series back in 2009. It’s had a listing for a Game of Thrones RPG on its website for some time now, but beyond the two screenshots seen in this story and platforms listed as PC and consoles, there wasn’t much to go on. Kotaku today spoke with studio director Yves Bordeleau who revealed some of the first details about the project which, like Genesis, is coming much sooner than you might expect.

The game is described as being a Mass Effect-style RPG set during the time of the first book, A Game of Thrones. Its story follows two different characters who don’t come from the book or TV show, though you will have the chance to run into some established characters. Combat uses an “active pause system” similar to that of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. The game was compared with KotOR and the first Mass Effect; it features “less action than Mass Effect 2” and is instead “all about the storyline,” which can be affected by your decisions.

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