Heavy Rain

Quantic Dream boss David Cage has made quite the name for himself by working on games like Heavy Rain and Indigo Prophecy. While many fans might be clamoring for a sequel to Heavy Rain — a project that Cage admits could make a lot of money — Cage isn’t interested in becoming a sequel factory. And he thinks Indigo Prophecy had a stupid name.

In an extensive interview with Develop, Cage explained that he isn’t motivated by money, and that’s a big part of the reason why he hasn’t jumped at the opportunity of doing Heavy Rain 2.

“Let me be stupid for one second; I’m not in this business to make money,” he explained. “I wrote Heavy Rain because I was excited about it, because there was something to say. Yeah I could make Heavy Rain 2, but I’ve said what I’ve had to say about it. That’s the strength of Quantic Dream, to have the capacity to create new ideas, to make something that breaks ground.”

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