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[News] James, Neil and Gary discuss the latest gaming headlines including:

Call of Duty Elite priced and dated
Activision reveales the price of a premium membership to its new military shooty shooty bang bang social network. James drops this in so that he can boast about going to Los Angeles. Gary and Neil attempt to be interested.

Online Pass bags EA $10-$15m
Electronic Arts’ ongoing efforts to squeeze a little money out of those elusive pre-owned sales aren’t going too badly. In fact, it’s a nice little earner for the company.

Dead Island developer in trouble
The latest in a worryingly long string of zombie games wasn’t exactly guaranteed to be a hit, but a ropey launch was never going to help. What would have helped is not releasing the wrong version through Steam. Or insulting any potential female players the game had.

Max Payne 3 dated
The only man to survive a direct attack from Mark Wahlberg is on his way. News that Max Payne 3 arrives in March causes the GB team’s eyes to gloss over as they reminisce about the originals.

Wii U in ‘development hell’
Pinch of salt time, folks. A developer claims Nintendo’s interesting new console isn’t shaping up too well, having been “rushed out of the door”. Is the team worried? Will they still be getting one?

Steam Trading launches
That’s right, now Neil can start trading in some of those titles that you lot seem to insist on giving him for free. Why? What on earth has he done to deserve such generosity?

Free Driver multiplayer for all
In another of the week’s best corporate gaffes, Ubisoft misprinted the one-time codes for Driver SF’s multiplayer, meaning even those who bought it new can’t play it. The result? Free multiplayer for everyone!

Enslaved dev: Triple-A retail model “crushing innovation”
Ninja Theory complains that the industry’s focus on blockbusters means that no one can take any risks and try to be truly creative anymore – something made even more apparent now that the studio’s team are making iOS games in their spare time.

PLUS The winner of October’s GameBurst Replay
If you haven’t already seen it on Facebook or Twitter, tune in to find out which game we’ll be replaying in October – and which one will still be lurking in next month’s poll.

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