

The 1UP Community Presents: Zombie Alternatives

Since the undead are boring, our readers have dreamed up what they hope the newest monster craze will be.

By: 1UP Staff
September 8, 2011

Let’s face it: zombies are everywhere — fighting in World War II, shambling around tropical islands, and hanging out on the moon for reasons that escape us. It’s not hard to see why; as video game enemies, they’re dumb as rocks, easy to kill, and travel in hordes, making them the perfect choice for lazy designers who dare not think outside the box. That said, with zombie game saturation seemingly reaching its peak over these past few years, we as gamers demand a change — or at least, something more interesting to murder. Here are a few select suggestions from our community. Have a suggestion of your own? Post it in the comments, or join the conversation on our message boards.

  • CloudStrife_ca


    I would like to see natural environments with everything you’d find in them used more in games like Call Of Duty. For example you’re in multiplayer or campaign mode you’re quietly making your way through a swamp in South America, trying to stay hidden from your target(s) and out of nowhere you’re dealing with a crocodile in its natural environment! no this isn’t a new perk to unlock (…release the crocodiles!) it’s just a little extra detail in the environment to put you deeper into the game you’re playing, offer a new realistic element of danger, not the “filler” zombies have become.

    This wouldn’t have to be limited to just wildlife, if you were running through a village in a third world country and people didn’t take kindly to your actions in the game, riots could start and not just as background scenery but danger elements you’d have to plan around/ through.

    What if you were playing Uncharted and you were caught in the middle of a Hurricane, not as a scripted moment to add to the storyline’s drama, but at random. Deadly weather conditions could also be attached to natural environments depending on your location in or out of the world.

  • estmaddog
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