Portal 2

Valve is usually thought of as a PC-centric company, though in recent years it’s made more of an effort to bring its games to consoles. Even so, PC still managed to be the best-selling platform for Portal 2 when compared with both consoles, Gabe Newell has revealed.

Speaking about trying to anticipate which platform will do best, Newell told Gamasutra, “We can never predict; I mean we just try to build good games and then we tend to be surprised. Portal 2 did better on the PC than it did on the consoles; Left 4 Dead did better on the consoles than it did on the PC.

“So you know we don’t try to guess, because we’re not sure what value there is to guessing. We’ve never had a situation where we said, ‘We really, really want to build something that is more popular for the console guys.’ Because usually we have a bunch of other higher priority problems we want to solve. So we’re glad that people want to play our games wherever they want to play.”

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