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This week, James, Neil and Gary discuss the latest gaming headlines including:

Sony’s Gamescom announcements
A PS3 price cut, new Vita games, the PlayStation 3D Display and a new PSP. Yes, you read that right. A new PSP. No, we’re not sure either. Yes, it will probably be just as neglected as all the other PSPs.

NCsoft’s new MMO Wildstar
James gets suckered in by another new MMO pitch. This time, NCsoft’s Wildstar will cater for players who like Crackdown, EVE, normal MMOs and Farmville all at once. How can that not be interesting?

New Wii announced
Slimmer, lighter and 100% less compatible with GameCube games. On store by Christmas. Releasing as the family bundle. Because, y’know, families never liked the original Wii, did they?

EA limits Old Republic launch stock
If you’re still convinced Star Wars: The Old Republic will be worth the wait, the hype and the subscription fee, best get in there quick. EA are planning a slow rollout to ensure the servers don’t get overwhelmed by excited pre-teens running around Coruscant with lightsabers.

Activision calls for end to EA feud
EA have been badmouthing COD, smack-talking Activision and basically making a big deal about the whole BF3 vs MW3 thing. But Activision want to be friends and make bigger pies, apparently.

Road Rash and Desert Strike returning?
Do you hear that? That’s the sound of Neil’s ear perking up, his eyes wandering and his enthusiasm going into overload. EA may be bringing back the Road Rash and Desert Strike series and apparently it’s a big deal.

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