Reality Check: Nintendogs
How realistic is Nintendo’s dog simulator? We ask an associate professor in animal behavior.
By: Steve Watts
May 3, 2011
They say dogs are a man’s best friend, but six years ago with the launch of the DS, a virtual dog was Nintendo’s best friend. The puppy-tamagotchi hybrid set the world ablaze, and is often credited as the game that changed the company’s fortunes with the bizarre little handheld system. Now the 3DS has launched, and along with it a new Nintendogs. But are the pups realistic, or too simplistic? To find out, we talked to James Ha, an associate professor of animal behavior at the University of Washington.
“I think to some extent, this is kind of a good thing in that [caring for the puppy] does take some attention,” says Ha. “On the other hand, if it seems too easy and you get a real puppy, that’s where the damage can be done. Also, dogs vary so much. There [are] real differences in behavior, temperament, and so much individual variability.”