For those of you who listened to last weeks’ Nitro Game Injection, you might remember that we had AkumuHau (Audun Sorlie) back on the air with us for a bit, mainly to talk about his displaced friend in Japan, doujin VGM arranger Fumapero. She was thought to have possibly been lost after the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami that hit near Sendai, but we have just received confirmation from Twitter that she and her family are okay! Details about her exact situation are scarce at the moment, but we at NGI are relieved to see that she has managed to survive the disaster. In a tweet addressed to KyleJCrb, she writes, “Thank you so much! Your tweets gave me courage. I survived. but Japan is still faced with many crises. I’ll do everything I can!”

If you are able to, please help the people of Japan by donating to the Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders, or other relief aid of your choice.

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