Scavenger Hunt

Welcome to 1UP’s Treasure Hunt. Today, we’re giving away three Toshiba Mini NB305-N410BN Netbooks! We want to reward our followers, so why not give you the chance to win the tools you need to Tweet? We’re not going to make it easy so pay attention and read the rules thoroughly.

We will be posting a quest item on this page. See the huge text and image above this paragraph? Pay attention to that. We’ll be posting a question and a link, right up there. The image to the left will give you a visual clue. Here’s what you have to do:

  1. Follow along with us at @1UPsweeps and keep your eyes on this page. We’ll post the question and link in the area above. The image will provide you with a hint!
  2. Read the question.
  3. Follow the link and look for the page with the correct image.
  4. Be the first to tweet the correct answer @1UPsweeps on Twitter and win an Toshiba Mini NB305-N410BN Netbook!
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