It is time to dust down those 2 year old games, dive into the Steam sales, rummage in the bargain bin, and lighten that pile of shame. Starting January 2011, we would like you to join us on GameBurst for the Replay Roundtable.

Each month the Replay Roundtable panel will revisit a game from the back catalogue to experience it like it was new today. We want you, the GameBurst listeners, to join in and let us know your thoughts on the game: how does it compare to today’s latest efforts? What makes this game so memorable? Is it worth playing again? You will also get the chance to elect the next game to be played, and even join the panel to champion a game of your own choosing.

January’s Replay Game will be Burnout Paradise, which is currently heavily discounted in the sales on Steam and various video game retailers.

We hope you will join us very soon in Paradise City for the Replay Roundtable…

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