
For about a week now, Activision has been teasing a game reveal at the Spike TV VGAs later this month with a mysterious website called “Murder Your Maker” — a tease that many already theorized was for a forthcoming announcement of Prototype 2. And yes, with the website now updated with a very brief trailer showing flashes of the first Prototype, we can now pretty safely assume it’s for Prototype 2.

The website originally only featured an imaged of a bald man staring at a wall full of pictures. As it happens, Prototype starred a bald man named Alex Mercer who was forcibly “made” into a genetically engineered shape-shifting super-mutant. But the new teaser trailer on the “Murder Your Maker” site has much stronger proof, considering — again — that it actually shows brief glimpses of images of the first Prototype in it. Either Activision forgot people would have the ability to pause the five-second-long video, or they quickly gave up trying to be subtle.

Still, it must be noted that nothing on the website actually says anything about “Prototype 2,” so it is possible there might yet be a curveball coming. Doesn’t seem likely at this point, but it is possible. We’ll find out for sure when the Spike TV VGAs air on December 11.

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