Yep, you read that right.

We wanted to do something a little special for the December/Christmas edition of the GameBurst Quiz, and we thought that you – the listeners – might want to take part.

Up to eight listeners will have the chance to take on the, er, formidable minds of Neil and myself, taking on each round in pairs. Two for news, two for round two, two for the music quiz and two for Defend The Indefensible.

If you’d like to fill one of those spots, simply send us an MP3 recorded with your best quality mic and explain in 30 seconds why you want to be on this quiz – think of it as practice for DTI.

The quiz will be recorded on Thursday, December 16th at 8.30pm GMT. In order to make this fair, we will be asking a guest quizmaster to write and present the questions – no one from the GameBurst team will have a hand in the quiz’s preparation.

If you’re interested in taking part, email your MP3 to [email protected] by Tuesday, December 14th. We will only accept audio entries – we need to check how you’ll sound when you’re wiping the floor with us!

We’re looking forward to this,


For tips on recording, read on.

If you are already capable of recording and exporting MP3 files, then panic not. If you aren’t, this is our recommended method.

1. Download and install the beta version of Audacity
2. Download the LAME MP3 encoder
3. Open Audacity, click Edit, then Preferences. Click Libraries, then Locate next to ‘MP3 library’. Then find the LAME file you’ve downloaded.
4. Record you audio and once you’re done, click File, Export and make sure you select MP3 under ’save as type’.

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