Before we begin, I would like to extend a big thank you to Digital Extreme & their PR partners for granting us access to the Jade Warframe. Along with her Jade Collection bundle for purposes of this article. You all are amazing! – DanVanDam

The recent “Jade Shadows” update in Warframe brought not just a new narrative quest, but also a captivating new Warframe: Jade. This article delves into Jade’s character and abilities without revealing to many story spoilers, while exploring her playstyle and the arsenal she brings to the battlefield.

Jade’s shrouded past and enigmatic nature are central to her appeal. The “Jade Shadows” quest offers a glimpse into her origins, hinting at a connection to the elusive Stalker, a recurring antagonist in Warframe. Players will have the opportunity to experience the events from Stalker’s perspective, potentially shedding light on Jade’s motivations and her unique position within the Warframe universe.

Jade, the newest addition to the Warframe arsenal, has sparked a mix of intrigue and debate among Tenno. Here’s a glimpse into the first impressions of this enigmatic frame.

Jade’s design is a clear winner. She boasts flowing, elegant lines accented by the signature “Glory” motif, a thematic tie to the quest that introduces her. Players would appreciate the smooth integration of her abilities into the overall aesthetic.

My early impressions suggest Jade is a versatile frame. Her abilities offer a blend of offensive and defensive utility. When I played with others, other players are particularly enjoying the damage boost and damage reduction tied to her aerial movement. However, some find her “Judgments” ability a bit confusing, requiring some time to master.

Jade’s lore is perhaps the most contentious aspect. Her connection to the Stalker and the circumstances of her creation leave players with more questions than answers.

Jade is a compelling addition to Warframe. Her unique design and flexible skillset offer exciting gameplay possibilities. However, the lingering questions about her backstory and the unconventional design choice may not resonate with all players.

Early impressions suggest Jade favors a swift and tactical approach. Her abilities seem geared towards mobility and evasion, allowing her to navigate the battlefield with grace and lethality. This focus on agility could make her a valuable asset for Tenno (Warframe players) who enjoy fast-paced, close-quarters combat.

Jade, the newest addition to the Warframe roster, brings a unique blend of support and offensive capabilities. Here’s a breakdown of her strengths and weaknesses to help you decide if she’s a good fit for your playstyle.


  • Versatile Playstyle: Jade offers a choice between focusing on aerial combat with her ultimate or a more grounded approach buffing allies and dealing damage with her weapons.
  • Support Capabilities: Her first ability offers minor healing and a damage vulnerability debuff on enemies, while her second provides a suite of buffs similar to popular Warframes like Roar and Wisp.
  • Crowd Control: Her third ability weakens enemies and slows them down, making them easier targets for your team.
  • Unique Weapon Synergy: Her signature Cantare Ensemble weapons (Evensong bow, Cantare throwing knives, Harmony scythe) reward a stylish and strategic approach, offering bonus effects and damage based on switching between them.

Jade is a Warframe for players who enjoy a dynamic and strategic playstyle. She excels at supporting allies while dealing decent damage herself. However, her full potential is locked behind mastering her abilities and unique weapons. If you’re looking for a Warframe that rewards practice and offers a fresh approach to combat, Jade might be the perfect addition to your arsenal. But if you prefer a more straightforward and powerful frame, you might want to consider other options.

Accompanying Jade are three signature weapons:

Warframe’s newest arrival, Jade, brings not just her own shadowy skills, but a captivating arsenal known as the “Cantare Ensemble.” These three weapons, the Evensong bow, Cantare throwing knives, and Harmony scythe, work best in concert, offering unique mechanics that reward a stylish and strategic playstyle.

Evensong –

  • Unique Trait: Evensong boasts two firing modes: a quick shot and a charged shot. The charged shot explodes in a radius, applying multiple Puncture status effects to enemies. These stacks don’t just deal damage over time, they have a hidden benefit: they completely negate the enemy’s damage output(by 100%)! Allowing them to take more damage by Critical Chance damage by 35%. However, this effect doesn’t work on some heavily armored foes or those immune to status effects.

Cantare –

  • Unique Trait: Cantare’s true strength lies in its boomerang-like behavior. Thrown knives deal damage on impact and then return to Jade, allowing for chained attacks and efficient ammo management. Landing hits with Evensong or Harmony can also trigger special effects on Cantare, granting faster retrieval and damage boosts.

Harmony –

  • Unique Trait: This dual-wielded scythe focuses on building a “combo meter” through stylish maneuvers like bullet jumps, wall runs, and melee takedowns. The higher the combo meter, the more powerful Harmony’s finishing attacks become.

The true power of the Cantare Ensemble lies in its synergy. Imagine landing a devastating charged shot from Evensong, silencing a group of enemies, then swiftly switching to Cantare for a flurry of thrown knives that deal bonus damage. Harmony then steps in, its combo meter fueled by the stylish takedowns on silenced foes, unleashing a devastating final blow. This dance between ranged and close-quarters attacks is what makes Jade’s arsenal so captivating.

While powerful in the right hands, the Cantare Ensemble has its drawbacks. Mastering the weapon-switching and combo mechanics requires practice. Additionally, some players find the damage output to be underwhelming compared to more established Warframe armaments.

Overall, Jade’s weapons are a unique addition to the Warframe arsenal. They cater to players who enjoy a dynamic and stylish combat approach, rewarding mastery with a captivating symphony of steel.
The arrival of Jade marks an exciting chapter in Warframe’s ever-expanding narrative. While details surrounding her story remain shrouded, players can expect a thrilling journey that sheds light on the enigmatic Stalker and the origins of this formidable Warframe. With her focus on agility, coupled with her versatile arsenal, Jade promises to be a dynamic addition to any Tenno’s arsenal, offering a unique blend of speed and tactical prowess.
She is obtainable after completing the story arc. With some small grinding. Otherwise she can be brought from the store.

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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