
I recall the You Don’t Know Jack Trivia games that did not take themselves seriously at all. On PC they were quite the craze with their crazy questions, and awesome little mini games within the game itself. They have several squeals and disappeared a bit. The Franchise game back to everyone’s surprise. Which was pretty awesome in a time where interaction with others is always a plus. Now we got the Jack party packs, each time ether enhancing a older favorite, or bringing us a new fresh game to enjoy with friends or random trolls! All in good fun do we play sort of Mad-lib style games, or trivia games that ether make us feel like geniuses, or feel completely silly we could not answer a few. This time around we are given five unique games in this assortment. Drawful Animate, Wheel of Enormous proportions, Pollmine, Job Job, and Weapons Drawn. All featuring that clever quip the Jack franchise is known for. Quality of life for ease of use is most indefinitely in this collection, having the read out loud for room codes, hidden codes if you weren’t aware of a few of the previous installments having this handy feature, so Streamers can carefully grab people for a game. The game also features several means to set it to family friendly, if the young ones wish to play to. Or if your a streamer who does not cuss, handly down to toggling it on or off. I have went over enough of the entry stuff now your asking me “what about the mini games Danny you neckbeard!” Well first I would say, they are flipping awesome! Here is a example of Wheel of Enormous proportions.

Overall, the collection is outstanding. Every entry into the collections become more clever as they come in. This one is no less of complete satisfaction!

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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