We Are Fuzzy’s Sleep Tight hits Nintendo Switch for EU and AUS Jan 24, 2019

By: GeekyGamerGirl87




Developer: We Are Fuzzy
Publisher: We Are Fuzzy
Genre: Shooter Tower Defense
Release Date: July 26, 2018 (PC/Nintendo Switch US)/ Jan 24, 2019 (Nintendo Switch EU/AUS)
Platforms: PC, Nintendo Switch
Price: $14.99 USD
Where to buy: Steam, Nintendo eShop (US), Nintendo eShop (EU), Nintendo eShop (AUS)

Developed and published by We Are Fuzzy, Sleep Tight is an adorable tower defense game in which you take on the role of one of the twelve characters who is defending themselves from the wave of monsters that come in the middle of the night. The game has already released in the US back on July 26, 2018, on both PC and Nintendo Switch. The game is now set to be released on the Nintendo Switch for the EU and AUS market on Jan. 24, 2019. Before I begin my review, I would like to take the time to thank We Are Fuzzy for providing us here at thedailygamepad.com with a free copy of the PC Version of the game so that I can write this review.

When you first start of the game you will play as Joe, who start off with the dart gun weapon. You have the option to do the tutorial with Joe –this is a feature that can only be done with Joe—or simply get straight into the game. If you are new to tower defense games, I recommend doing the tutorial. If you’re not new to tower defense games, then I recommend you still do the tutorial just to get a feel of how the game plays. Once you choose rather or not you want to do the tutorial the first night begins. Essentially, the main objective is to defend yourself from the monsters or things that go bump in the night. Each wave is about a little over a minute long or a minute and four seconds for those who want an exact number. Each night the game becomes a little more difficult, but each wave will always be about a minute or so long. However, as this is a tower defense you do have some ways of making your fort stronger.

Every night that you fight the monsters, the monsters will drop Stars, it should be noted that not all monsters drop them and if you do not collect them fast enough, they will disappear. If you survive the night, you are greeted with daylight and you will receive eight Suns and the Stars you collected throughout the night. The Suns along with Stars can be used to purchase various power-ups, defenses, weapons and even used to research items to make your night easier. You can also use Suns to replenish ammo and health.  However, you are only limited to eight Suns at the end of each wave unless you choose to use Stars to purchase extra Suns. Therefore, be careful with spending your Suns, and make sure you do whatever you intended to do with the Stars before spending all your Suns. Once you spend all your Suns you will be thrown into the next wave of monsters. Granted it does not just start the wave immediately, but you really want to be well prepared.

As I stated before the game does have twelve different characters to choose from. However, you start off with Joe and must unlock the other eleven characters by completing their objectives.  Also, each of the characters has what appears to be their own game mode attached to them. For example, playing with Joe grants the player a very easy gameplay experience. I thought that this was unique because it allows for the player to ease into the game and master it instead of just going straight into the game and selecting modes separately. Unlocking the characters gets you extra modes to play, so it is a reward within itself and it gives the game replay value. Each character also has a weapon that they start off with. For example, Joe starts off with the Dart Gun, but if you unlock Brooke; she starts off with the Spitfire with the option of toggling between the Dart Gun and Spitfire.

Now as I have stated I have played the PC Version of the game so I would like to take the time to discuss the controls for PC. When it comes to PC, you can play with either the gamepad or with keyboard/mouse (KB/M). I did play with both sets of controls. The controller was okay for me, it was a little harder to aim with and I had the misfortune of holding down the RT which is the firing button which caused me to deplete my ammo fast. However, the movement was pretty good with the controller. When it came to KB/M, you use WASD to move and the mouse to aim and shoot. Although it was a little awkward moving using WASD, I did find that I didn’t use as much ammo as I did with the controller and that the aim was a lot better. Therefore, for me, I preferred using KB/M when it came to playing Sleep Tight on PC.

If you are an achievement hunter, then you will be glad to know that Sleep Tight does, in fact, include achievements and there are a total of twenty-three achievements to collect. Some of the achievements are easy to get, where others offer a bit of a challenge to receive them which I am happy to say that the game does make you work for what you want. For those of you who are trading card collectors. I am sad to say that Sleep Tight does not offer trading cards currently. If trading cards are something that you want to see for Sleep Tight, you can always take to the forums on Steam to request them. Although, sometimes developers will add the trading cards feature later. They’re more likely to add it if you request it as well.

Overall, I can say that I do highly recommend Sleep Tight. The game is a lot of fun and will keep you entertained for a while. The game is also kid friendly but can still be enjoyed by adult gamers as well. As far as the game being on the Nintendo Switch goes. I think the game would do very well on there because you will be able to carry the game around with you and it would help pass the time.  In the future perhaps, the game will be ported to other consoles as well. If you would like to play Sleep Tight you can do so by purchasing it on Steam, Nintendo eShop (US) for $14.99 USD and for those in Europe and Australia you will be able to pick up the game from the Nintendo eShop when it releases on Jan 24, 2019.


By Ready Sets Gaming

Ready Sets Gaming is a variety streamer on Twitch with a love and passion for indie games. She has been gaming for 30+ years; and feels that a lot of indie games go back to the games that she grew up with and aren't afraid to think outside of the box to make a game. It is because of this thought process that she prefers to play a majority of indie titles, but still likes to play Triple-A titles and Retro games too. She enjoys searching through itch.io platform and looking for games that are stream friendly, and then playing them on stream to get them the exposure they may not be getting. Some of her favorite game genres include Platformers, Puzzlers, Role-Playing and she's recently developed a loved for Shmups.

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