Developer: Compile Heart, Idea Factory, Sting

Publisher: Idea Factory International

Genre: RPG, Strategy, Anime

Release Date: April 26th, 2016

Platforms: PSVITA, PC/Steam

Price: On sale for 17.99 (40% off of $29.99)

Where to buy: Steam

Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart is a spin off in the pretty popular series put out by Idea Factory recently. This time around bending the same-old with a cutesy chibi style to the combat. Making it more of a Strategy game, of elements like Final Fantasy Tactics or the lot. The game itself feels a bit fresh from the long line of games already released. Lets crack into the story shall we?

overviewHDN’s story takes place in the realm of Gamarket. Sounding a bit like some fan fiction, I know. As far as I know, there is no bosses named Gray in this game wipes sweat. You play the role of the CPUs like from the other games in the series. If you are not familiar with the series they introduce everything to you again for a refresher. So nothing is missed. Noire soon has a battle with the other CPUs, then shortly must make things right. Noire then meets a character actually called Player, then named “Secretary”. Then you begin to unfold the story as per usual like a visual novel with some witty gaming references and sexual awkwardness.

IseeGameplay handles with a hud system constructing chess like boards that you and a few CPUs trek across per mission. The game itself here is not its strongest suit by far, but still holds a decent pace. Its depth is just not there as I would have liked. Sure it all looks good, then falls back a tiny bit. Elements like crafting, socializing, and your usually enemy farming makes another return. Which was never a problem to me personally. So others will feel comfortable with the format off bat. Aiming back to the previous statement about the combat, the enemy margin goal for quests are not as bad due to all of the enemy needed are usually are on one board at a time. Making it a bit simpler. The camera itself via in combat is a pain at points when you navigate your characters/pieces. I found it to just leave the camera by default, then to servery most of the enemies or areas ahead of time to prep for outcomes to each fight. Leaving me hindered.


In Closing:

It has the same vibe of the previous game installments. Which is a good thing. The combat engine felt to be desired. It works for what it is sure. But it lacking in the depth other tactical rpgs have. This game is not the strongest in the series. That is for certain. Not to completely dismiss it as anything short of “If you really like the series” then it has the iconic slab of names and characters you might already know and love.  Overall.

Recommended – If you like a fun quirky little story with plenty of fan service, and fun looking characters.  However if you can look past its so-so combat. Then pick up the game.



By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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