Empathy simulator.

Mini Metro, a brain-wracking metro simulator, is available now, DRM-free on GOG.com with a 10% launch discount.

Sometimes, the most complicated things come in the simplest packages. Mini Metro, a strategy public-transit simulation, is a staple of simple brain-wracking glory.
In its simplicity, Mini Metro is beautiful and to the point – a simple map dotted with shapes and distinctly colored lines is something we’ve all seen before while traversing major cities, and it all evokes a very familiar sense of nervousness and confusion. Then, more stops, more people, begin to show up.

It’s right about then that you should be hit with a sudden wave of empathy for both the frustrated passengers waiting and changing lines, as well as the people who were tasked with the heavy responsibility of figuring out and pleasing the flowing masses.

Despite being a relatively simplified simulation of real life mechanics, Mini Metro gives you a taste of the urgency and sophistication of transit planning. If you can figure it out and survive, you may just find yourself with a newfound understanding for that one really stupid transfer you have to make on your way to work.

Check out the developer’s website for a playable taste of the full game.

Mini Metro, is available now, DRM-free on GOG.com. The launch discount will last for one week, until Friday, November 13, 5:59 PM GMT

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