The feature film version of the classic adventure game Myst, one of the first purveyors of the “multimedia experience” in videogames, has been picked up by Roserock Films and Gran Via Productions (via Variety).

They companies are partnering with Adrian Vanderbosch and Isaac Testerman of the Mysteria Film Group, who are fans of the series. This is a major milestone for Testerman and Vanderbosch, who originally pitched the idea for a film via DVD to developer Cyan Worlds in 2006. 1UP first interviewed the pair about their film back in 2008.

“Our aim with this project is to stretch the genres it operates within, much like the source material did,” Vanderbosch told Variety. “It is such an innovative property and the best service we can do to it is to maintain that spirit. By utilizing the novels as our primary source, we have the opportunity to offer audiences the essence of Myst without being limited only to the famous island of the first game.”

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