Together, we celebrated DRM-free gaming and it was awesome!

Our 2013 #NoDRM Summer Sale has come to an end. For over two weeks we offered you most games in our catalog for half their usual price, as well as thematic bundles and special deals with up to 85% discounts. We were also able to give out the excellent action-RPG Torchlight for free. We’re happy to say, that 2,5 million free games were added to collections of users registered with–veterans and newcomers alike. We’re glad we could bring so much DRM-free joy to so many people! We’ve got you to thank for that, as your tweets, re-posts, and word of mouth made it possible for us to reach that many gamers.

Our Longest Day of Gaming super-sale proved to be the biggest in all of history. Over the course of our Summer Sale a lot of people found out about and discovered that DRM isn’t the default in the gaming industry, and that there’s very much gamers can do to affect how the market functions. In the middle of our discount extravaganza the #NoDRM movement noted a huge victory in the console parts of gaming world. We’re not taking any credit for that, of course, but we’re glad to see more and more gamers becoming aware of the risks of unreasonable DRM policies and demanding control over their games. We like to think, that our core values–DRM-free gaming, customer love, and free bonus content–are beginning to spread across the world of gaming. Again, you are the force that drives this progress. So, as we’re thanking you for participating in our promotions, we would also like to say this: Gamers of the world, we salute you!

We hope you enjoyed our 2013 #NoDRM Summer Sale and that the games you got off it will keep you entertained for many, many hours!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to service downtime with one of our payment processing providers some of you couldn’t complete your purchases on Monday, July 1st (between 7:46PM GMT and 9:18PM GMT). This was a worldwide issue affecting not only users. The problem wasn’t caused nor could it be fixed by us, but we’re concerned with the fact that some of our customers missed out on our Monday offers.

We think that’s unfair, so if you were one of those people, please contact our support. If your purchase failed during that time and your funds were frozen on your account, we will send you some free game codes to make up for your inconvenience.

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