Rock Band Blitz trailer reveals power-ups
Brain-destroying rhythm-action pinball. We look at the gameplay footage for Harmonix’ new Rock Band Blitz and we can’t imagine how…
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Brain-destroying rhythm-action pinball. We look at the gameplay footage for Harmonix’ new Rock Band Blitz and we can’t imagine how…
Quantic Dream’s David Cage will reportedly reveal the studio’s next major title during Sony’s press conference at this year’s Electronic…
UK retailers post listings for VITA versions of Assassin’s Creed 3 and unannounced Ghost Recon title; both titles listed to…
Dan Chiappini and Randolph Ramsay chat about their experiences with the lore, weapons and gore of Gearbox’s Aliens: Colonial Marines!…
One of the only downsides associated with flooding your test facility with a deadly neurotoxin is that everything dies. That…