The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim 9.5
Publisher/Distributor(s) Bethesda Softworks (retail) Steam (online) Developer: Bethesda Game Studios Platform: PS3, XB360, PC (Steam) Price: $60.00 Genre: Action, Western…
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Publisher/Distributor(s) Bethesda Softworks (retail) Steam (online) Developer: Bethesda Game Studios Platform: PS3, XB360, PC (Steam) Price: $60.00 Genre: Action, Western…
Classic ‘copter caper revived for XBLA, PSN and PC. Konami and InXile Entertainment are to co-publish Choplifter HD on Xbox…
Developer Gearbox is looking for a live-action version of the Borderlands character to cast in an upcoming sequel. Back…
Minecraft mod adds carbon emissions based on Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change data. Get the full article at GameSpot…