Wii U roundup

After months — years, even — of waiting, Nintendo’s next home games console, the Wii U, is now just two days away from launch in North America. Some feel the system is long overdue, to the point where it risks finding itself in a position similar to that of the Dreamcast before Sega exited the hardware market. Others think its tablet-like GamePad controller is another ingenious creation that will allow the system to conquer the living room. Only time will tell, as even on Sunday we will have only an incomplete picture of what the system is capable of. While a day one patch will enable the likes of Miiverse and the eShop, video-on-demand services and Nintendo TVii won’t be available until sometime in the next few weeks, and that’s to say nothing of the many games (Zelda, Smash Bros., and so on) we still won’t be seeing for quite some time.

While odds are you’ll have a hard time getting your hands on one this Sunday unless you were among the first to place a pre-order, there’s a good chance you haven’t yet seen everything there is to read about the system and its games. Whether you’re planning to be first in line this Sunday or remain on the fence about a potential purchase, we’ve got you covered. What follows is a comprehensive list of 1UP’s coverage of Wii U — including reviews, previews, interviews, podcasts, opinion pieces, and more — along with some choice links to stories elsewhere on the web.

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