When it comes to “top 10 lists” or lists of any type for indie games the usual suspects are on those lists, as if those are the only indie games that came out. Don’t get me wrong I am not saying the Loop Hero, Valhiem, and all of the games that are on those lists aren’t bad games. Heck, some of those games mention I have hours upon hours into those games. I’m just saying it would be nice to see some variety on those lists. For me, it seems like a lot of those lists are carbon copies of the same list and again this is just my opinion. Therefore, I wanted my list to be totally different, and offer you some different insight into indie games. So the games on the list I’ve created may be different than what you have seen. So here are 15 Indie Games you should try from 2021.
Please note that all of the games listed here are from Steam and that Steam is currently doing their winter sale up until Jan 5, 2021. I will be posting the game’s original price, but be sure to check the winter sales to find the game at a price that fits you.

15. Nuclear Blaze
If you ever wanted to be a fireman, without the fire then Nuclear Blaze is the game for you. Developed and published by Deepnight Games, Nuclear Blaze puts you in the shoes of a lone fire person as they fight blazes in a facility that isn’t even on the map. What bestows our little fire person as you dig deeper and deeper into this mysterious building?

What I really liked about Nuclear Blaze was the gameplay. The controls were solid and I really do enjoy the storyline. Nuclear Blaze is one of those games that pulls you in, and as you don’t see a lot of games based on firefighters, it was nice to see a different story element. If you would like to play Nuclear Blaze for yourself, you can do so on PC via Steam or Fanatical for $9.99 USD.

14. Cardful Planning
Developed and Published by Walk Home Games, Cardful Planning is a cute little mystery dungeon puzzle game in which you play as a card trying to get to their true love, but in order to get there, the little card must go through all 4 suits of cards houses, in order to reach their true love.

What I enjoyed about this game is that the game was very minimalistic, but some of the puzzles can be very challenging. It was a nice spin on the traditional dungeon crawler-type games, and the game is overall a lot of fun due to it not being so overall powering with graphics. None the less if you like puzzle games that have a mystery dungeon feel to them, then I suggest giving Cardful Planning a try. You can play Cardful Planning on PC via Steam for $7.99 USD.

13. Rogue Glitch
Developed by Lino Slahuschek and published by Numshull Games, Rogue Glitch is a free-to-play (if playing offline) and Online Co-Op (which you pay for a few bucks) Action Roguelike game. In the game, you play as a little glitch character who must battle their way through many dungeons to get to the boss and then proceed further into the dungeons. Each time you die you start over and the dungeon shifts itself.

What I really like about this game, is that it’s a really good action roguelike game, and it is free-to-play before you decide to purchase the Online Co-Op mode. Also, you can still enjoy the game even if playing online isn’t really your thing. Also, the colors of the game and the game itself are just beautifully done even for a free-to-play game, and this is a game you should add to your library especially if you like action roguelikes. If you would like to play Rogue Glitch for yourself, you can do so on PC via Steam for Free for offline play and $4.99 USD for the Online-Co Op play.

12. Annalynn
Developer and Published by Cruise Elory, Annalynn is a game that takes you back to the 1980s with its arcade-style gameplay. In the game, you play as Annalynn a miner who comes across some snakes that can do things like go across invisible platforms. You must then clear each level, but collecting the coins for each level, and even grab bonus fruits to give you a bigger score.

Now I really loved this game because it reminded me of Pacman, my boyfriend DanVanDam said it’s more like Mappy. So whether you love Pacman or Mappy, if you are someone who loves nostalgic games based on the 1980’s. I highly recommend giving Annalynn a tray. When I first played Annalynn, I had a hard time walking away from the game. That’s how good the game is. It really reminds me of a game that should be in an arcade somewhere. I really love this game and think you should give it a try. If you would like to play Annalynn for yourself, you can do so on PC via Steam for $4.99 USD and itch.io for $5.00 USD.

11. Buildings Have Feelings Too!
Developed by Blackstaff Games and published by Merge Games and Maple Whispering Limited, Buildings Have Feelings Too! Is an adorable puzzle/city management game in which you play as a building, helping the others buildings to achieve greatness in the city that they live in. Each building has its own likes and dislikes and it’s up to you to make sure the neighborhood thrives, so they don’t meet their end and get demolished.

Personally, I feel like a lot of people did not really give Buildings Have Feelings Too! a chance. I think that the game is quirky and a bit different than other games, but is still a great game in its own right. I like that the building had character and they weren’t just buildings. You can actually relate to some of the traits of some of the buildings and why they feel the way they do. If you are into puzzle games and city management games. I recommend giving Buildings Have Feelings Too! a try. If you would like to play Buildings Have Feelings Too! for yourself, you can do so on PC via Steam, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One for $19.99 USD.

10. Street Cleaner – The Video Game
Developed and published by Creaky Lantern Games, Street Cleaner: The Video Game puts you in the shoes of the Street Cleaner, who is trying to rid the city of San Diego of all its crime. Even going as far as the criminal underworld in the name of Justice. Do you have what it takes to keep the streets of San Diego clean?

The game is a lot like the games of old for NES or Genesis and it’s a fantastic game. I came across the game while listening to a synthwave channel on youtube and ran over to steam to see if it was a real game. The strange thing about Street Cleaner – The Video Game is that I had no idea the game was even out, as the first time I had seen it was on that synthwave channel. I will admit the game is hard so if you like a challenge then I would recommend picking this up and giving it a go. If you would like to play Street Cleaner: The Video Game you can do so on PC Via Steam for 14.99 USD and Nintendo Switch for $15.00 USD.

9. The Amazing American Circus
Developed by Klabater and Juggler Games and published by Klabater, The Amazing American Circus is a unique deck-building game, in which you collect circus performers and put on the greatest show on earth. The story starts off with you inheriting your father’s circus and you must now restore it back to its glory days in order to win a contest for the best circus.

Now, I know what you’re saying “A Circus deck-building game, Really?” Yes, really! Growing up I always thought the circus was cool, and how cool it would be to actually be in the circus or run it. So this game does just that. The game also has solid gameplay and is a lot of fun. It may seem like a strange combination but once you start playing you get really drawn into the game. The game also has a very compelling story, so it’s not like your typical deck-building game and is unique in its own way. If you like the circus and you like deck-building games. I recommend giving The Amazing American Circus a try/ If you would like to play The Amazing American Circus for yourself you can do so on PC via Steam, Humble Bundle, Fanatical, GOG.com, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S for $19.99 USD.

8. Fights in Tight Spaces
Developed by Ground Shatter and published by Mode 7, Fights in Tight Spaces is a truly unique and interesting game. In the game, you play as Agent 11. Agent 11 is commissioned to go and put an end to many crime syndicates across different parts of the world. The game is a turn-based deck-building games in which you fight the baddies based on the cards in your hands. Will you as Agent 11 be able to put an end to the crime?

What I liked about Fights in Tight Spaces is that the game combines turn-based combat with a deck-building game. So essential it’s a deck-building fighting game, which is pretty cool. I also like how the game kept true to its name because every fight takes place in a literal Tight Space. Sometimes it’s a bathroom, sometimes it’s an alleyway, just depends on how the game rolls the fighting arena’s for the particular fight. I also love the art style as it reminded me a bit of Super Hot. All in all again if you are a fan of deck-building games be sure to add Fights in Tight Spaces to your library. If you would like to play Fights in Tight Spaces for yourself, you can do so on PC via Steam, GOG.com, and Epic Game Store for $24.99 USD.

7. Out of Line
Developed by Nerd Monkeys and Hatinh Interactive, Out of Line is a beautifully hand-drawn 2D-style puzzle-platformer game. In the game, you play as a worker who seems to be trying to escape from the plant that they work in. What puzzles lay ahead for our worker who simply just wants to escape the plant?

Out of line is truly a beautifully done game. I was really impressed that this was all hand-drawn and that the gameplay was well done. I usually call games like this art in motion, because there is a storyline but it’s left to your own interpretation. The puzzles in the game are fantastic and are not done poorly. They keep the story going as well. I recommend Out of Line if you like story-driven puzzle platformer games. If you would like to play Out of Line for yourself, you can do so on PC via Steam, Fanatical, GOG.Com, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S for $12.99 USD and on PC via Humble Bundle for $9.99 USD.

6. Super Raft Boat
Developed by Jason Gertner, Carson Kompon, Yukon Wainczak, Jennifer Kindl and published by Shattered Journal Games, Super Raft Boat is a free to play bullet hell, action rogue-lite that allows for you to choose between three characters to survive on a raft while disposing of the pests in the water.

What I love about the game is that not only do you have to fight enemies, but you do have to maintain your raft as well. You start off with one character and have to unlock the others as you go along, by reaching certain goals. The game for a free to play is hard, but a lot of fun and they even released a VR version of the game for Steam as well, So you can now play it in VR if you so choose to. If you would like to play Super Raft Boat for yourself you can do so on PC and macOS via Steam or itch.io for free. The VR version is free as well and can be picked via Steam.

5. SuperMash
Developed by and published by Digitial Continue, SuperMash is a game that allows you to Mash-Up two-game genres to create a whole brand new game to play. You can create a mash-up of RPG and Shoot Em Up and more with this very unique indie game. The game starts off with a brother and sister at a garage sale or having one and a kid not being able to afford the brother’s handheld system, in which the brother gives it to the kid. They in return are given a console with carts and the console they found out can combine different carts to make new games.

What makes this game truly unique is that it has games within a game, and I am a huge fan of games within a game. Each game gives you a goal that you must complete before the game ends. I also like that you can add different assets to the game based on Dev Cards that you get at the end of the games. In addition, you can share your mashup with others and all they have to do is type in the code and they will be able to play the game you mashed up. Overall, SuperMash is a very interesting game and I do recommend it as well. If you would like to play SuperMash for yourself you can do so on PC and Linux via Steam, Epic Games, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S for $19.99 USD. You can also get the game on Humble Bundle for PC and Linux for $24.99 USD.

4. Chill Corner
Developed and Published Low-Hi Tech, Chill Corner is a very chill idle game. The game features some good lo-fi songs and is something you can just chill and vibe to. The atmosphere of the game is very chill and I fell in love with it for many different reasons, to be honest with you. I know what you’re saying “Ready Set, it’s an idle game. So it’s not a real game.” On Contrary, yes you can set it up to have an idle game where you just listen to the music and do nothing, but there are game elements. You can customize your avatar, as well as add decorations to your rooms.

There are multiple rooms that you can explore as well, such as the bedroom, living room, and two empty rooms. Ironically, I would love to see more rooms added as that would be cool. The biggest reason I can say I truly love Chill Corner is that I have really bad anxiety and sometimes I need to decompress. In Chill Corner, you can set a timer for how long you need and play around in the game. It has helped me to decompress when I feel overwhelmed and has allowed me to have time to myself and relax. Of course, you can turn on the game and use it to relax and focus with the music on, but you can also play the game as well. If you would like to give Chill Corner for yourself you can play it on PC for free via Steam.

3. pureya
Developed and published by Majorariatto, pureya is a game for those who have a short attention span. The game starts off as a little girl playing at a gacha machine that uses marbles. She runs out of marbles and she tries to reach the top of a shelf in which she knocks over all of the marbles. She then sees the marble on the ground around a bunch of toys and I like to say her imagination takes over.

Now you may be saying, “Ready Set, you said this was a game for a person with a short attention span.” That’s right, and that is because the games that you play to get the marbles changes every 10 seconds. That’s right every ten seconds no matter where you are the game changes. The main objective is to get the marbles to use on the gacha machine that the little girl was playing. Each time you hit the jackpot on the gacha machine a puzzle piece comes up allowing you to put the puzzles together. The game is different and a lot of fun especially if you like the thrill of the games changing. If you would like to play pureya for yourself, you can do so on PC, macOS, Linux via Steam for 5.99 USD and on itch.io for $4.99 USD.

2. Dandy Ace
Developed by Mad Mimic and Published by Neowiz, Dandy Ace is a Dungeon Crawler rogue-like game in which you play as Ace, a good-looking magician that has overthrown another magician named, Le Le, who’s not so good looking and frightens small children. Jealous of Ace’s popularity, he makes a deal that transports Ace to an ever-shifting castle and now Ace equip with only his cards must escape the ever-changing castle.

If I had to choose a game of the year Dandy Ace would definitely be a top contender. I really fell in love with the game especially because it reminded me a bit of Hades just with magic cards. So this is an action roguelite in which Ace picks up other cards to make the cards he has stronger, much like you would do in the game Hades. I think those who enjoy action roguelikes would really enjoy Dandy Ace as well. I got a Howl vibe from Ace as he reminds me so much of Howl from Howl’s Moving Castle. The game does get tough from time to time, but it is a whole lot of fun and I highly recommend it. If you would like to play Dandy Ace for yourself you can do so via PC and macOS on Steam and Humble Bundle, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S for $19.99 USD. If you have Gamepass Ultimate you can also play Dandy Ace on it.

1. Narita Boy
Developed Studio Koba and published by Team 17 Narita Boy is a Retro Inspire Platformer in which you play as Narita Boy, the digital one that has been foretold by the creator to help the three kingdoms when the time comes, and restore the creator’s memories. As Narita Boy, you must fight the Stallions to restore the digital world back to what it once was.

Narita Boy…Narita Boy…yield the TechnoSword. If you haven’t played Narita Boy then you have surely missed out on a fantastic game. When it comes to GOTY for me Narita Boy is what takes the win from me. I absolutely love Narita Boy. Not only is the gameplay great, but it has one of the best soundtracks ever. I still to this day listen to the soundtrack for Narita Boy. If you have Photosensitive issues please be careful when playing this game, because it has a lot of flashing lights and movements that can cause motion sickness for others. The controls are solid and another thing I like about Narita Boy is you can go into the menu screen, and anything you may have forgotten has been posted there. So if there are moves you forgot you don’t have to restart your game completely over you just go there and refresh your mind. Narita Boy is one of my favorite games and I highly recommend this one, for gamers and those who like good music as well. If you would like to play Narita Boy you can do so on PC via Steam, Humble Bundle, Fanatical, GOG.Com, Nintendo Switch, Humble Bundle Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Xbox Series X for $24.99 USD. If you have Gamepass Ultimate you can also play the game on there.
I hope that you enjoyed the games that I covered in this Article. I hope that 2022 brings even more games for the indie genre. I also hope that within this list you found a new indie game to go ahead and give a try. As stated before there is nothing wrong with the games on those lists, it’s just it would be nice to see other games for a change. As always I am Ready Set and remember everyone to please be safe, and keep gaming.