Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat. Getting your special friends some retro gaming tat? Unfortunately there’s a lot of 8 bit themed dog poos in the snow this christmas. So what should you get your friends for Christmas? Here’s 10 Festive Retro Gifts for those gamers that’s tricky to get for Christmas.

1. Xbox Live Points/Wii Points/Playstation Network Points

The Bread & Butter of any geeks gifts. These are your gift vouchers for when you’re struggling. Despite being stuck in the 80’s or early 90’s, most retro gamers are still gamers. They will own one of these systems, so buy them points to not only buy classic games for their old systems, but also new games in a classic style, add ons & extras for your machine.

Gamers burn through these points like they’re going out of fashion, so giving them a top up will be gratefully appreciated.

Buy Online: (Xbox 360) 2100 Microsoft Points (Amazon RRP: £17.99)
Buy Online: (Nintendo DS/Wii) Nintendo Points Card 2000 (Amazon RRP: £18.50)
Buy Online: PlayStation Network Card – £20 (PS3) (Amazon RRP: £20)

2. Retro GT Themed T-Shirts

I own a couple of these & are brilliant. I love these t-shirts as they are geeky retro wear that I’m confident enough to wear in the pub. Retro GT shirts range from safe Japanese shirts to a Text Adventure shirt which is brilliant. These shirts are durable & well worth putting into your stocking this Christmas.

Buy Online: RetroGT T-Shirts (RRP: £14.95)

3. Mad Catz Arcade Fight Stick

The problem with a number of modern controllers is that they aren’t really that good for retro games, and certain games (such as beat em ups) are terrible. Having alternative methods to play the games are needed.

Personally, I love these Joysticks. They’re not the absolute best, but they are great & durable for the price. Get two & you’ll have evening’s entertainment playing Street Fighter 4.

Buy Online: Mad Catz Arcade Fight Stick (Xbox 360) (Amazon RRP: £98.98)
Buy Online: Mad Catz Arcade Fight Stick (PS3) (Amazon RRP: £93.95)

4. Model Arcade Machine from The Retro Garden Shop!

Pardon for a cheap plug, but these are perfect for the desk in work, or for your games room – scale models of arcade machines, each lovingly created by hand by people more talented than me. See if you can buy your favourite game in scale model form?

Buy Online: Retro Garden Shop (RRP: Varies)

5. Retro Gamer Magazine Subscription

Even though retro gamers like sitting in front of screens whenever they can, they also like reading the printed word. Retro Gamer is a magazine dedicated to Retro Games, with in depth articles, great illustration & graphic design, and plenty of interaction with a forum, this is the only magazine I buy each month religiously.

Buy Online: Retro Gamer Shop

6. 8 Bit Tie

If your retro gamer is going to buy lots of lovely games, software & memorabilia, then they’re going to need a job. If they have an office job, what better way to show their classic gaming colours in the monotony of the office cubicle with an 8 bit tie. It’s clip on, so no knots needed, but it’s great for showing your roots.

Buy Online: ThinkGeek T-Shirts (RRP: £14.99)

7. Retro Sweets

If you’re a child of the 80’s gaming, you were playing games often with a bag of sweets for sugary energy to help keep you playing. Why not recreate those gaming nights with fizzy cola bottles, strawberry laces & other retro sweets? Completely & utterly bad for you, but who cares?

Buy Online: A Quarter Of Retro Sweets

8. Handheld Megadrive

If you are going on long journeys, you could take a Game Boy, but how about this handheld Sega Megadrive (or Genesis if you’re in the States). With over 15 games to play, perfect for simple gaming on the move, this is great for whiling away a train journey or a nip to the loo.

Buy Online: Sega Megadrive Handheld (Amazon RRP: £27.50)

9. Retro Gaming Poster

Perfect for any self respecting game room, the Retro Gaming Posters brighten up your walls. Unfortunately, there aren’t that many commercially available, but if you have a look on Zazzle, there are plenty you can pick up for many games past & present.

Buy Online: Zazzle

10. Surface Tension Arcade Table

Recently won the lottery? Want to bring classic gaming to your living room? Surface tension do AMAZING gaming tables. I played one of these at r3play, and they are great fun. Embedded in the table is a screen, and beneath the table is a joystick, six buttons for two players. Within the table is a PC with various arcade games installed. Buy this for your retro gamer if you want to marry them, but it is a lot of money.

Buy Online: Surface Tension (RRP: £2,599)

These are 10 things I would like in my Christmas stocking, how about you?

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